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All Posts By Jordan Shanbrom
Jordan Shanbrom has worked in the Life Insurance industry for over 7 years. He has worked for numerous life insurance carriers, and started out as a claim representative in college where he learned the in's and out's of filing claims. After graduating with his Bachelor's in Business Technical Management, Jordan pursued Life Insurance as an Agent. Jordan is a husband, and father to his first born son, Hayden. He enjoys writing fiction, reading, and self-improvement.

Generational Wealth Building In California Using Life Insurance 

Generational wealth is a game changer for anyone who wants to live or have their children live a life without poverty.     Individuals all over the country come to California in hopes of fame and fortune, but the one thing people forget about when trying to build massive wealth, especially generational wealth, is life…
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The Insider’s Guide To Applying For Life Insurance In 2020

This is the ultimate insider’s guide to applying for life insurance in 2020. Let’s be clear, this isn’t your run of the mill guide about what life insurance is. Or applying for coverage and what to expect. I will be providing insider information, pulling the curtain open and bringing you inside. I’ll provide you with…
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3 Reasons Why Your Accidental Death & Dismemberment Policy Will Leave Your Family Empty-Handed

So you got an Accidental Death & Dismemberment Life Insurance policy? Fantastic, something is always better than nothing, but if you’re in great health and have the ability to qualify for a Term or Permanent Life Insurance policy. I would recommend reconsidering your Accidental Death & Dismemberment plan. Here’s why: Your Accidental Death & Dismemberment…
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Protecting your private information is our priority. This Statement of Privacy applies to californialifecoverage.com and California Life Coverage and governs data collection and usage. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, unless otherwise noted, all references to California Life Coverage include californialifecoverage.com and CLC. The CLC website is a Life Insurance and Annuity Broker Providing…
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